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General Enrichment
in Personal Enrichment
Caring for Aging Loved Ones
with Mark Morrison
As loved ones age, families often find themselves providing more support. This class offers guidance to help individuals navigate three critical areas of caregiving – finances, health and legacy planning. Acknowledging that every caregiving journey is different, the presentation discusses various levels of support to help attendees find the approach that is right for their circumstances.
**Class will be held at the Westbrook Adult Education Office. Wednesday March 13th, starting at 6:00 pm (this is a 90 minute class)**
Adulting 102 Money Grows

So, you’re on a budget, managing a bank account, and wondering about the next steps in your financial journey. In Adulting 102, we will look at the differences between saving and investing, and if you are ready to invest, how to get started. Other topics will include protecting your assets (insurance), advanced budgeting, and understanding the role economics plays in our financial life. Join Steve Kautz, Financial Education Programs Specialist from the Finance Authority of Maine for this 1-hour virtual workshop as you take the next steps into adulting.
**Zoom link will be emailed to you**
with Charissa Kerr

The CPR class includes adult, child and infant CPR and choking, how and when to call emergency services, and AED use. The course cost includes the use of the manikins, video, certified instructor, practical components, and a certificate of completion. The video portion has been shortened, and the practical time has been increased to ensure everyone has enough time to gain confidence in their skills. This class is taught to the standards established by the American Heart Association. The workbook is not included in this class. If you would like a workbook, please indicate on your registration form (one workbook covers CPR and first aid). Cost is $10 for the book.
Spring into College Savings:The Alfond Grant and Maine's College Savings Program

Joining us – College Savings Superstar Alfond Foundation member, Caroline Palmatier Maine families have access to two valuable programs to assist with saving and paying for education after high school: the $500 Alfond Grant and Maine’s College Savings program. While these initiatives offer great benefits, understanding each of their features can sometimes be challenging. Whether you’re a parent, guardian, or student, this session will provide you with information to make the most of these valuable resources. Join us to improve your understanding and take steps towards a successful educational future!
**Zoom link will be emailed to you**
Plan for the future-How and estate plan helps put you in control
with Mark Morrison

Topics focus on strategies individuals can use to care for the people and things they love most and how to leave a lasting and meaningful legacy
*Class will be held at the Westbrook Adult Education office Wednesay April 16th 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm**
Student Loan Repayment Strategies and Pro Tips

There are many different facets to the student loan program that can be powerful in helping you achieve your financial goals but also can be confusing. If you are struggling with your payments, did you know there are several income-based repayment plans as well as deferment or forbearance? Did you know you could get .25% off your interest rate if you sign up for auto-debit on your federal loans? Do you know you can work towards loan forgiveness now if you work for a non-profit, government or tribal agency? Whether you have recently graduated from college or have been repaying your students loans for a long time, join us to learn how to best manage your student loan repayment. Join Nikki Vachon, College Access Counselor from the Finance Authority of Maine as she shares pro-tips and answers questions.
**Zoom link will be emailed**
First Aid
with Charissa Kerr

The First Aid class includes: medical emergencies, bleeding that you can see, bleeding you cannot see, treating for shock, and how and when to call emergency services. The course cost includes a blend of PowerPoint and video, instructor and practical components, and a certificate of completion. This class is taught to the standards established by the American Heart Association. The workbook is not included in this class. If you would like a workbook, please indicate on your registration form (one workbook covers CPR and first aid). Cost is $10 for the book.